Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our Flexible Schedule

For us - mornings are relaxed, before nine we have breakfast - excelent time to teach cooking (and math), and do chores -starting the day with responsibility and independence (some days go smoother than others - we take it day by day).
Each of my children differ in learning readiness, preferences & interests. (Not to mention temperments). So to optimize teaching and learning I use differentation - I match resources to their individual levels (ie - spelling books) but teach a common lesson (ie-plural words).
I adjust curriculum topics and learning tasks to meet each individual need while ensuring challenging learning experiences during group morning work. This is when we work together and they learn from each other. I teach all lessons in tier format - thus reinforcing a "we" frame of mind -- family -- while ;) helping them respect their differences. This also helps them accept responsibility for individual growth while not making comparisons.
Afternoons are spent more one on one. Helping with anything they need extra attention on and just spending time with each one. They all need to feel important and cherished (homeschooling is an amazing opportunity to spend more quality time together). We also use this time for crafts and science projects -- All three Really Love ~ hands on projects!
I have implemented many online games - math, grammar, ect. into our curriculum. And always have fun handouts (crosswords & word searches) for them to work on to reinforce what they are learning.
The most helpful advice I can give is be flexible. Consider honestly the dynamics of your family & make it interesting and fun for them. If something isn't working - try something else. All families are different - use ideas, strategies and schedules that work for yours!

~ I look forward to hearing from you and how you implement different strategies and learning styles into your busy days.

((^.^)) Sherry


Jennifer said...

I am still trying to find a schedule we can groove with. This is my first year homeschooling more than one, and i have to say it is more challenging than I thought it would be! Great Blog post, I look forward to reading even more!