Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Should we Recycle Plastics?

So, This is how I started our lesson today:

Take out your notebooks. Answer these questions for me in a short report.
1) What do you think happens to trash that doesn't get recycled?
2) How does this lack of responsibility affect our environment?
3) How does it contribute to the demise of other species we share the planet with?

After having them read their thoughts outloud...

We started reading articles and watching videos concerning
~ The Atlantic Gyre (Garbage Patch). Located several hundred miles off North America and covering more than 1000 miles.
~Pacific Gyre a Texas-sized floating garbage patch located
(The floating garbage pile poses serious health risks to fish, seabirds, and marine mammals that accidentally stray into the bog.)

*Some facts*
BOTH garbage patches consist of tiny bits of post-consumer plastic and trash, most of it weighting less than a paper clip. Much of this waste could have been recycled instead of ending up in the ocean. (Reinforcing the need for us to recycle religiously.) The Atlantic gyre is currently made up of about 500,000 plastic and trash bits per square mile, but is expected to continue growing. A disturbing fact, considering the 1.9 million bits per square mile contained within the Pacific gyre.

**We need to understand that plastic is a reusable resource. We can begin to lessen our impact on the oceans and the planet as a whole ~ Simply By Faithfully Recycling Plastics.